Friday, January 10, 2014

MAC Prep + Prime Skin Base Visage

Hi everyone!

Back when I was first trying to get into making youtube videos I made a Windows Movie Maker slide show semi-reviewing this product, but I am also going to include a blog about it. From what I remember this product was also included in my first MAC mini-haul at my local MAC counter.

I will admit that when I made the slide show video I was fairly new to makeup and I had heard about face primers before, but I seriously thought that face primers were a dumb concept to make people spend more money on makeup products. I was very naive. But I did decide to try my first face primer from MAC to see what they were all about. When I first started using this product I did think it was pretty good, but since I have learned more about primers and used a bit more variety of primers I can honestly say that I am not a big fan of this particular one.

Before I do the full review I would like to mention that I have not used this product in at least a year. But I will play around with it as I write up my review as I usually do with products to refresh my memory and to test it out. With other products I may not like I at least use them every once in a while just to use them up, but this one was so not for me that I don't even use it as a backup.


Price: 7/10
Packaging: 10/10
Amount of product: 10/10
Longevity: 9/10
Application: 8/10
Smell: 10/10
Covers redness: 7/10
Covers large pores: 5/10
Website description: 7/10
On different skin types: 7/10
Overall rating: 7/10
Would I buy it again: 5/10
Total: 92/120=76.66%=C

My personal rating: 6/10=60%=D

Comments: I just looked at the MAC official website and the price is listed at $30.00 which I am pretty sure I did not pay that much. I think I paid around $27.00 for this product. They may or may not have changed the formula of it in the past couple years, but even still I would not spend that much on it. 
I don't have any issues with the packaging I think it is cute, it sparkles in the light and I like that it includes a pump to get the product out. I will give this product credit that it does come in a decent sized bottle with 1 fl oz of product inside. You do get quite a bit of product for the price. I don't exactly remember how long it lasts, but from what I recall it does last a while, plus it is on the thick side so I can definitely see it going into the pores and staying on for a while. The application is a bit annoying because when you first start blending the product in it leaves a white residue, but as you keep rubbing it in it thins out to a more translucent color. I just put some on my hand, blended it in, and I feel like this product does have a shimmery look to it. It's not super overpowering, but it is definitely there, which I personally don't like because I don't want to draw attention to my large red pores that I get during the Summer. I just feel like it brought out the small lines on my hand. This product doesn't seem to have a very strong smell, but it does smell kind of like a chemical. You can't smell it once it is applied to the face. The description says that it calms and soothes skin, blots away excess oil, and evens out skin redness. I don't feel like it really does what it says it does, especially when you thin it out. I bought it mostly because the description said it evens out skin redness, but I did not feel like it actually covered my redness. If I leave the product on without too much spreading then it does cover redness, but it leaves a heavy white color on the skin. If you spread it out then I feel it doesn't really cover the redness. I would not recommend this product for those people like me who have large red pores (I get that especially during the warmer seasons) because this product does not say anything about concealing large pores and I know that shimmer/glitter draws attention to large pores. I personally don't agree with the website's description. This product does claim that this product improves lay down of foundation and I would agree with that somewhat because this product is on the thick side and I think could be used by those with dry skin. I would probably not recommend this product to those with super oily skin even though it says it blots away excess oil. Overall, I do not have a positive image of this product. I'm sure it works well for some and I hope it does, but it's just not for me.


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