Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mac Studio Fix Foundations NW vs NC

Hi fellow makeup fans! 

I talked to a MAC person about a month ago because I wanted to know how to choose a MAC Studio Finish liquid foundation. I first tried to find my answer by searching, but everyone kept giving different answers which left me even more confused. So I decided to go onto the MAC website and talk to a MAC person online about it.

Basically what she told me is that the MAC Studio Finish liquid foundation. both the NC and the NW shades, have a gold tone to them. NC has a more yellow gold and NW has a more pink gold.

If you have greenish veins then you would choose an NC shade.

If you have bluish veins then you would choose an NW shade.

I told her that with my skin tone I could see both greenish and bluish veins at which point she didn't really have anything to say. When I do the wrist check I can see both color veins. One vein will look greenish and another vein will look bluish. I noticed on my chest that I can see more of greenish veins than bluish veins. I would assume that this would mean that I can go with either shade.

I have both shades now. My NW20 was the first foundation I bought from MAC about a year ago. About a month ago I bought my first NC25 shade. I thought I was an NW20 because I had redness to my cheeks so I thought it meant I had pink undertones. The NW20 works fine, but I did notice that it gave me a slight orange look. It didn't really blend in around my jaw line. I tried the NC25 shade and I feel that it blends in a lot better with my jaw line and I wasn't getting the slight orange color. I would say that I have more yellow gold. Which then would make sense why the NW20 shade was giving me a slight orange color. When you mix yellow and pink it gives you an orange-y color. Even though I have redness to my cheeks the NC25 covers that up really well.

I hope this helps! Thank you so much for reading.
